Our Story

I'm Kim...Hi!
I take drawing very seriously!!

And this is Peter
Happy in his work!!

After meeting at Art School and working as freelance Artists and Illustrators for a number of years, we started Curtisward Art Supplies in 2008

...and now sell a great range of quality branded Art Materials online to Artists and Crafters across the UK.

Together, we are Curtisward!

Examples of Artwork by Peter Taylor Ward

Peter Ward has a Technical background, having studied Draughtsmanship and Architectural and Scientific Illustration, but he just can’t help giving in to his inner Fine Artist by producing work on larger scales and in looser styles in oil, acrylic and pastel. He loves nothing better than experimenting with media and studying the techniques of the some of the world’s greatest painters. With a more technical mind, he also understands a good deal of the science behind Art Materials such as why watercolour will look brighter on a rough watercolour surface and why some pigments don’t like being made into some types of paint!

Media of the Moment - Golden Heavy Body Acrylic

Examples of Artwork by Kim Curtis

Kim Curtis’s work covers a number of illustrative techniques and styles that she has applied to publishing and commercial art projects for print and the web. As a result, there are few types of media that she has not used! Although she does not claim to have mastered them all, she has found that the key to achieving a half decent result is finding out which combination of paint type, surface and mark-making tool best suits the way you work and is happy to share which combinations of Art Materials she thinks work brilliantly together!

Media of the Moment - Williamsburg Oil